· Passengers who were on the Costa Concordia said that the Celine Dion song, “My Heart Will Go On (the theme song of the film Titanic) was playing on the Italian cruise ship’s restaurants when it hit a rock and began to sink. ~ The Week
· The average American worker spends more than $20 a week on coffee or $1,092 a year. But it’s still less than what we spend on lunch and getting to and from work. The average annual cost of commuting rings in at $1,476, while lunch sets us back an average of $1,924 or $37 a week. ~ Consumerist.com
· “In a thousand years archaeologists will dig up tanning beds and think we fried people as punishment”. ~ Olivia Wilde in More
· Devoting time to getting your body moving can lead to higher productivity. In a study, a group spent two and a half hours a week being physically active. Not only did they get more work done than non-exercisers, but they also felt better about their occupations and were less sick less often. ~ Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
· If US college tuitions continue to rise as they have for the past three decades, today’s newborns (the Class of 2034) will face bills of $110,432 a year at the country’s priciest universities. ~The Daily
· “Happiness, it turns out is a destination we reach only when we are trying to get somewhere else.” ~ Matthew Syed in the London Times
· “Eyes on the road, hands on the wheel!” Your parents’ sage advice is even more vital now, considering that nearly 25% of adults admit to texting while driving (Cindy comment - probably a higher percentage for professional stagers and Realtors!!). Recent research found that drivers writing a text took about twice as long to respond to flashing lights and missed over 13 times more lights altogether that focused drivers did, which could mean a serious increase in the risk of accidents and injuries. Women’s Health
Remember to dwell in possibilities but be sure to have fun doing so!!