HGTV Design Star ( ) is a one-hour series which “features 12 competitive and creative finalists executing ingenious designs, as well as an illustrious judging panel of acclaimed HGTV interior designers (Genevieve Gorder, Candice Olson and Vern Yip) and special celebrity guests. They must navigate innovative design challenges and dazzle the judges with creativity and ingenuity until one wins their own show on HGTV”.
Where else can you pit creative types with such diverse backgrounds like these contestants?
· former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, cruise ship entertainer and mom of a blended family (and some think my former CPA background is unusual!)
· Emmy award winning broadcast news reporter
· construction company project manager
· married mom of two from Edmond
· fashion merchandise director and window dresser
· criminology major turned designer
My Friday treat is that one of the Design Star finalists is Cathy Hobbs, an interior designer and home stager and member of RESA (Real Estate Staging Association). She is also the former broadcast news reporter mentioned above.
Despite winning five Emmy Awards for outstanding news reporting in New York City, Cathy's passion for design propelled her into a second career. She attended morning classes at the Fashion Institute of Technology, where she earned a bachelor's degree in interior design, and then returned to the station to report the evening news. Married with an 8-month-old daughter, Cathy now owns a flourishing interior design company and specializes in residential and commercial properties.
If you have the time and interest, catch HGTV Design Star. If you are so inclined, cheer for Cathy. Or you may prefer to cheer for the Edmond mom, former cheerleader, window dresser or someone else.
Dwell in possibilities