Today and tomorrow (and maybe the next day) we will examine furniture arrangement.
Furniture arrangement is the vehicle to accomplish some of the other areas of concentration that we discussed. Furniture arrangement can help define the focal points and provide the easy flow of a home.
A couple of important questions that I ask as I am assessing a house for the furniture arrangement include:
· What role does this room play in the house?
· Are there pieces of furniture that are inconsistent with the purpose of the room?
The pictures to the right are hot off the press. We finished this staging project just this morning. I knew they were the perfect pictures for today’s discussion of furniture arrangement.
These “before” and “after” pictures perfectly demonstrate an important principle of home staging:
Each room in a home should have a clear purpose and be staged to enhance its original intent.
As you can see from the “before” pre-staging (the day before yesterday) pictures, this room was used and furnished as a home office.
To get a perspective on the situation, think of a traditional home built in the 1970s. You are entering the front door, off the small entry to the right is the formal living room and to the left is the…… home office (?) or is it the dining room(?). If it’s the home office where is the dining room (?) Questions and confusion, right off the bat.
As you can see from the “after” staging (just this morning) pictures, this room is now staged to enhance the original intent as a formal dining room. We removed the desk and storage cabinet and relocated and repurposed the printer cabinet. We brought in a dining room table and chairs and placed it on a more proportional rug, accessorized the table, hung some silk drapery panels, added some artwork and positioned the chandelier over the table. The room looks ready for a dinner party! The furniture is arranged to enhance the room’s original intent.
I have to say this homeowner deserves the “Homeowner of the Week” award. He was willing to immediately get the desk and cabinet moved out of the room even though it was heavy and functional to his lifestyle. He also gave me carte blanche to do anything and everything needed to properly stage his home for sale. You will see more pictures of this fun project.
I will keep you posted because I think he will get results . . . and quickly.
Dwell in possibilities!